Performing some basic troubleshooting and gathering the right information before you call Support or Submit a Help ticket will help us solve your problem as quickly as possible.
Try some basic troubleshooting
- Isolate your camera on a dedicated network and test discovery with the AVCostar Utility.
- Restore your camera to factory defaults.
- Go to Costar Web site and check for the latest camera firmware: CostarHD firmware | Software
- Swap the problem camera with another working camera to see if the problem is the camera or the location.
If the problem persists
Gather the following information about your camera and/or VMS before you create a support ticket:
- MAC address from the camera
- Firmware version from the camera
- Gather screenshots/images demonstrating the problem
- Log files with in-camera when the issue is present
- Help us understand how the camera is powered — Make/model of your Ext/POE switch or injector.
- Make/model/version of NVR/VMS software being integrated with the camera.
Then contact Support
- Preferred: Go to our online help portal > Submit a Request ( located upper right corner)
- Phone: +1 (858) 391-1800 option 2
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