What are the differences between Rise 1 streams and Rise 2 encoders on the web page?
IE11 - same for both Rise 1 and Rise 2 as it uses our ActiveX control. The video title bar will always show a Profile and you will have a transport mode option on the control panel (right side) - RTP/UDP etc. You can select other Profiles in the Control Panel drop-down combo box.
- Rise1 - it will show a Stream (not profile) on the title bar and it will be an MJPEG stream. The camera is not streaming MJPEG, the browser is pulling JPEGs one after another as fast as it can get them. If an MJPEG stream is available, the browser will use it. If no MJPEG stream is currently configured, the camera will create one on the fly. We sometimes get questions from customers, as to why an MJPEG stream keeps coming back after they delete it and this is why. The camera will create an MJPEG stream if there isn't one configured and you connect with a browser other than IE11.
- Rise2 uses WebSockets and an HTML5 player and will use a Profile. There are no transport options as the video will be TCP using WebSockets over TCP 80.
There are two ways to get JPEG snapshots on both Rise1 and Rise2:
- Dedicated snapshot encoder under Media/Advanced Settings. That URI is http://<ipaddr>/jpegpull/snapshot
- Any configured MJPEG stream or encoder can provide snapshots. The URI is http://<ipaddr>/jpegpull/<Stream#> For instance on a Rise1 if Stream2 is configured for MJPEG - http://<ipaddr>/jpegpull/2
Note: Rise 2 - Streams are described as Encoders and they are numbered one-off. So Encoder2 is actually Stream1. If a Rise2, Encoder2 is set for MJPEG then the URI would be http://<ipaddr>/jpegpull/1 (Since Encoder2=Stream1)
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